

Be a part of us

The Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (SAFIRE) is a local non-governmental organization established in 1994 to assist rural communities in economic development through sustainable utilization of their natural resources. SAFIRE is a registered NGO under the PVO Act and under registration PVO 5/96.

Through promoting Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), SAFIRE has enabled communities to cope and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and achieve food and income security. SAFIRE has further supported communities through strengthening institutions in areas of forest management, Human wildlife conflict management, Disaster Risk Management, Biodiversity assessments and sustainable agriculture mostly to support rural livelihoods.

Currently the organization operates in 8 of the 64 districts in Zimbabwe. The organization is headed by a Director, who is assisted by a senior management team reporting to a board.

Expert Team Leaders

Estella Toperesu


Nyarai Mubonderi

Finance and Administration Manager

David Chikanda

Team Leader Agriculture and Market Linkages

Number of Provinces in Zim covered
Estimated number of direct beneficiaries
Number of running projects
Number of Districts in Zim covered by Projects