The Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (SAFIRE) is a local non-governmental organization established in 1994 to assist rural communities in economic development through sustainable utilization of their natural resources. SAFIRE is a registered NGO under the PVO Act and under registration PVO 5/96. Through promoting CBNRM, SAFIRE has enabled communities to cope and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and achieve food and income security.
Currently the organization operates in 8 of the 64 districts in Zimbabwe, on six different projects, three projects working as a sole implementing agency and the rest being consortiums. The organization is headed by a Director, who is assisted by a senior management team reporting to a board.
To facilitate the development and application of innovative approaches to diversity and improve rural livelihoods based on the utilization, commercialization and sustainable natural resources management.
To empower rural, urban and peri-urban communities with resilient livelihoods in a sustainably managed environment
Integrity Participation
Accountability Transparency
Innovation High Quality Service
Teamwork Fairness