
Programmatic Focus

Benefit (Private And Social) Driven Natural Resources Management

Information And Computer Technologies For Development

Enhancing Food Security And Livelihood Security (Incomes, Nutrition & Gainful Work)

Climate Change (Adaptation And Mitigation)

Climate Finance

REDD+, Carbon finance, biogas, clean cook stoves and forest and landscape restoration. 

Sustainable Natural Resources and land management, Land use planning, Wildlife conservation.


Community Livelihoods, Food and income security

Climate Smart Agriculture, Markets linkages, Irrigation development, economic empowerment, Climate smart agriculture, Non-Timber Forest Products valorization.

Gender equality, youth empowerment, diversity and social inclusion, Social behavior change.

Gender, youth and community empowerment

Resilience building

Disaster Risk Reduction, climate adaptation and mitigation, urban resilience (waste management, re-greening)

Wildlife Human Conflict Management, Improving livelihoods of communities living adjacent to protected areas
