
Climate Adaptation For Rural Livelihoods Phase 2 (2022-2025)

The CARL 2 project aims to enhance and scale up food-climate-natural resources-
biodiversity nexus adaptation measures that contribute to resilient food security,
gender justice, and environmentally sustainable rural livelihoods.
The project which is being funded by the Swedish International Development Agency
(SIDA) through OXFAM Zimbabwe will directly benefit 20,000 households (about
120,000 men, women, and youths) from 21 micro watersheds (Mberengwa (5), Buhera
(6), Gutu (5) and Bulilima (5). Of these, the project will deliberately target 5,000
women (1,250) from each district) and 1000 youths (250 from each district). SAFIRE is
implementing this project in wards, 15, 19, 24, 25, 28 and 30 of Buhera District.
This project has three major outcomes and outputs

  1. Increased climate adaptation knowledge and awareness enabling the adoption of
    gendered climate-smart agricultural solutions, technologies and innovations
    integrated with natural resources management (NRM), biodiversity protection and
    diversified livelihoods at the household and landscape level in targeted areas. This
    outcome will be achieved through knowledge of climate, food & nutrition security,
    natural resources management and agro-biodiversity nexus to underpin CSA & NTFP
    production systems enhanced for 20,000 smallholder farmers- key people.
  2. Increased Women and Youth economic empowerment and more equitable access
    and control over household and community resources. This outcome will be achieved
    through empowering 5000 women and youths to have diversified livelihoods through
    participating in program value chains.
  3. Enhanced hydro-meteorological products, dissemination, and use. The objectives of
    this outcome will be achieved through improved data management at hydro-
    meteorological services, improved meteorological and hydrological forecasting and
    enhanced hydro-meteorological products, dissemination, and use.
    Key Activities
    Establishing farmer field schools, village savings and lending schemes,