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TDH-BMZ Project -(Youth Economic Empowerment project-TDH/BMZ)

The project title is “Prevention and response to Gender Based Violence (GBV) among women and youth through innovative and sustainable climate-smart economic empowerment programs in Mashonaland Central, (Bindura & Mazowe) Zimbabwe supported by TDH-BMZ supported by Terres des homes funded.” The goal is to socially and economically empower adolescent girls and young women and their community member who face challenges that are harmful to social and cultural norms and live in community environments with reduced teenage pregnancies, child marriages, and instances of gender-based violence. The project aims to reach 100 youths aged 15-24 years through establishing at least 640 custom hiring centers.

Resilient Waters project-USAID

The project focuses on harnessing the Mopane worm Value Chain for Biodiversity protection, Ecosystem services, and Resilient. Its main goal is to build more resilient water secure southern African communities and ecosystems through improved management of transboundary natural resources and increased access to safe drinking water and sanitation services. The project aims to reach up to 3000 households involved in mopane worm harvesting, through establishment of business enterprises, market linkages, business skills trainings and trainings in sustainable harvesting of mopane worms.

Climate Adaptation for Rural Livelihoods in Zimbabwe (CARL)-Oxfam/SIDA

Safire is implementing the project in 6 wards of Buhera district, Zimbabwe. The main objective of the project is to enhance and scale up food-climate-natural resources-biodiversity nexus adaptation measures that contribute to resilient food security, gender justice, and environmentally sustainable rural livelihoods. It is targeting to reach up to 6000 households in the 6 wards.


The project title is building Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods Enhancement in and around Manjinji and Shashe Irrigation Schemes. The goal is to sustain farmers’ livelihood innovations and catchment management practices. The key activities include introduction of precision farming in both irrigations and increase water availability, as a result, the project aims to reach 277 direct irrigation farmers and 5000 indirect beneficiaries from Malipati communal lands in Chiredzi and Maramani communal lands in Beitbridge.


Zimbabwe Forest Restoration Project (ZFRP)-AFR 100/Terra Match

The project is under the Zimbabwe Forest Restoration Project (ZFRP). The main objectives are to improve biodiversity, protection and community capacity in restoration and forest conservation, improve household incomes and strengthen the capacity of community institutions in effective implementation of NRM polices and by-laws.

Building Resilient Inclusive and accountable Communities in Zimbabwe (BRIC- Zim)-Oxfam/Irish Aid

The project is being implemented in 3 wards of Buhera district, Zimbabwe through ICSP aiming to reach 18 000 men, women and youths. BRIC-ZIM project focuses on assisting vulnerable communities to move from protracted food insecurity crisis to an improved state where women, men and children are resilient and less dependent on humanitarian assistance in the face of climate shocks. Other areas of work will include addressing GBV and realizing rights in vulnerable communities.

The project addresses 2 impact areas, that is,

Impact 1; People experiencing poverty and most vulnerable to shocks, conflict and crisis have more sustainable and equitable access to food and livelihoods 

Impact 2; Institutional systems to prevent and respond to shocks, conflicts, and crises are more inclusive and better informed by the needs, rights, and vulnerabilities of those furthest behind.